Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

LIS 580/587: British Libraries & Information Centers 07

Have you ever dreamed of being in the 'sceptred isle' of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Kipling, Lewis Carroll, C.S. Lewis, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling – of strolling along the Thames or through the verdant British countryside?

Spend a month in the United Kingdom earning credit while learning about famous authors and collections. British librarians, archivists, and curators provide instruction as well as guided tours of a variety of British libraries, museums, and archives.

Students have the opportunity to accompany instructors to sites such as Oxford, Stratford, and a 3-day excursion to Edinburgh - and time to explore sites of interest on their own. An historic recreation of the Globe Theatre is within walking distance on the south bank of the Thames and students may purchase tickets to a Shakespeare production. The King's College dorm is a short distance from Waterloo Station, where students may catch the tube to the theatre district in the evening, or to Paddington Station or to King's Cross Station, site of Harry Potter's "Platform 9 ¾".

6 hours Graduate Credit:
  • LIS580. British Studies in Librarianship. 3 hours. Comparative studies of library and information institutions, bibliographic organization, models of service, and professional practice in the United States and Great Britain
  • British Studies Research. 3 hours. Provides the opportunity for an in-depth research paper using the resources of metropolitan London and/or the United Kingdom.
For more information, go to: